On-Line Math 52 Course Videos

YouTube Video about accessing RCCD's Blackboard (16:00 minutes) (Uploaded Aug. 27, 2015.)

Syllabus Videos:

Prior Syllabus Overview (about 25 minutes)

Inside of Blackboard 9.1:

In-class Mail (9:12) (This may be a bit old, but still helpful.)

The Discussion Board (10:32) (This may be a bit old, but still helpful.)

How to ...

Access the Algebra Tutorial videos (for both Mac and PC) (3:17)

How Test 3 works (for my on-line classes):

Part 1 (8:34)

Part 2 (8:30)


How Groups Work in Blackboard:

How Groups Work


Textbook Videos:

Textbook Videos for the Norco Edition


I also have YouTube videos for both the Practice Midterm and the Practice Final Exam.

In these videos, I go over each exercise on these practice exams.

Midterm web page

Final Exam web page